JV Inkai LLP 160021, Republic of Kazakhstan, X08K1X5, Shymkent, Kunaev Ave., building. 80.
Tel: +7 7252 997 182
Fax: +7 7252 997 183
Office: officeinkai.kz
If you have witnessed any illegal actions of JV Inkai contractors, any state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (government officials), in particular in cases when you are offered (or solicited) any bribes, «kickbacks», benefits, presents, privileges etc. due to your work in JV Inkai or if you have become aware of such offers with regard to other employees of JV Inkai, You can also report possible violations in the field of business and accounting, the occurrence or alleged facts of theft, fraud and corruption on the terms of confidentiality and anonymity to whistleblowing hotline of JV INKAI LLP via the following means of communication:
E-mail — inkai-hotlinedcap.kz
Hotline phone number — +7 771 944 4545
Hotline WhatsApp number — +7 771 944 4545
Web site — https://dcap.kz/hotline/public-application/b06c0207-aa0c-4181-af77-038aaaf9d97f
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